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Hemorrhoids and Running : Does Running Marathon Cause Hemorrhoids

Just like how problems with arthritis, excess body weight and chronic back pain can make running a very difficult action to be carried out, hemorrhoids is another body condition that can interfere with running.


Hemorrhoid is expansion of blood vessels located in the anal region beyond normal limits, causing it to bulge and protrude.  The bulging can happen in either those vessels situated within the anal passage, very close to the anal opening; or on the anus itself, externally.  They are then referred to as internal and external hemorrhoids respectively.

Internal hemorrhoids lack in those cells that receive pain stimulus, and hence is a painless occurrence.  This is not the case with external hemorrhoids, for they have a thin covering of skin cells which contain pain receptors.  Thus, external hemorrhoids cause a lot of pain and discomfort.

Causes of Hemorrhoids

The common hemorrhoid causes are considered to be –

–       Constipation

–       Obesity

–       Pregnancy

….and other lesser known causes are –

–       Standing or sitting on hard surfaces for a long time

–       Lifting heavy things

–       Anal intercourse

–       Holding stools for too long a period, or putting off the urge to use the washroom

–       Eating more of spicy foods

–       Irregular meal timings

Walking long distances, jogging or running – these actions by itself is not known to start the process of hemorrhoid development, but is known to bring about problems that lead to hemorrhoid formation.  Also, individuals suffering from hemorrhoids, especially external hemorrhoids, can worsen their problem from constant running.

Running and Hemorrhoids

Runners, especially those who take part in marathons often, and those who fail to take in sufficient amounts of water prior to and during their long-distance race, are bound to experience episodes of constipation in the days following their race.  Also, in instances where they continue to not meet their body’s daily water intake after that, constipation will develop into a chronic problem in them.

Once constipation strikes, the frequent straining and pushing actions done while attempting to eliminate the fecal material out of their body will be the commencement of their hemorrhoid development process.

Also, those who take to running regularly as a form of exercise to keep themselves fit, are likely to get dehydrated very easily since running causes an increase in perspiration.  And when this loss of body fluid is not restored back by taking in plenty of water and other forms of healthy liquids, then the body can get dehydrated.  Body dehydration in turn can cause the drying up of stools and hardening it, making its elimination a very strenuous process.

Besides this, people already suffering from hemorrhoids and who engage in daily running, have an increased chance of rubbing and scraping their hemorrhoid surface by friction, more so in the case of external hemorrhoids.  When this happens, bleeding may also be noted.

How Runners can Prevent Hemorrhoids?

The development of hemorrhoids in runners can be prevented by –

–       Drinking plenty of water every day, with an increase in water intake on the days they engage in running.

–       Ensuring that their daily meals contain more of foods that are rich in dietary fibers.  The fibers got from plant foods help in softening the fecal material.

–       Sit in a sitz bath while taking a shower after running.  This will decrease any pressure or strain placed on the rectal blood vessels.

Suffering from hemorrhoids is not suggestive of happiness or fun!  It is a physical condition that causes acute suffering.  As far as possible, try and prevent its development.

SOURCE: http://hemorrhoids-cured.com/hemorrhoids-and-running-does-running-marathon-cause-hemorrhoids

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